Kamis, 28 Februari 2013

New Report & Fun Facts About Video Consumption in 2012

Ooyala, a company we respect in the online video world, just released its "Global Video Index -- 2012 Year in Review" that lays out certain interesting findings and conclusions based on metrics captured by video customer usage.  Here are some of the ones I find most intriguing:

-- FINDING:  Conversion rates for branded videos jumped 91% from the start of Q4 2012 to their peak in mid-December 2012; CONCLUSION: "there's a huge opportunity for retailers, e-tailers and consumer brands to connect with online audiences between Black Friday and Christmas Day."

-- FINDING: "Measured together, the share of all hours spent watching streaming video on tablets and mobile phones increased 100% in 2012."

-- FINDING: "On desktops, viewers watched live video 18 times longer than VOD content in Q4."  CONCLUSION:  Live video is more engaging!

-- FINDING:  About 33% of total tablet video viewing was with premium long-form video content (running more than 60 minutes); and the percentage of time spent watching long-form video (over 10 minutes) on tablets increased 37% from Q1 to Q4 2012.  CONCLUSION:  Multi-screen viewing of long-form premium video is growing significantly.

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