Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Watch Out Pandora & Spotify, Giants Coming Your Way

Online music leaders Pandora & Spotify -- already challenged by tough licensing economics (which just recently caused Pandora to change/limit some of its terms of service) -- may have an even more daunting threat on their hands soon.

TechCrunch reports today two major developments in the online music world: (1) Goliath YouTube plans to launch its own music subscription service soon (i.e., not ad-driven); and (2) Beats Electronics (you know, the Dr. Dre headphone guys backed my music industry giants like Jimmy Iovine) just spun out its music subscription service "Daisy" into a separate company (after having raised a cool $60 million), and Apple's CEO Tim Cook recently met with Beats/Daisy about that service (and is rumored to be launching its own online music subscription service this year).

Now those are spicy meatballs ...

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