Kamis, 25 Juli 2013

What Is Digital Media? Why Does It Matter? My Presentation -- Via Video, Powerpoint -- to the California Capital Summit

This past Friday, Lindsay Conner (Co-Chair of Manatt's Entertainment & Media group and a giant in the motion picture business world) and I (representing Manatt Digital Media Ventures) gave a presentation in LA to about 100 members of the California Capital Summit -- titled, "The Digital Media Revolution: What It Is & Why It Matters to Business ... Any Business ... YOUR Business."  This was not a group of digital media experts -- accordingly, this was intended to be a high level overview that was both practical and thought-provoking.  Essentially, to get everyone's head "in the game" -- i.e., that every single person needs to understand the media/marketing/engagement forces around them and either harness them (or not) at their peril.  We began the presentation with this great video below, which itself is an amazingly effective piece of social/viral marketing, and we used this slide deck to underscore our points -- click here to access it (you can access the accompanying audio from our presentation by clicking this separate link):

Immediately after showing this video (which is, by the way, a great way to warm up a crowd!), I asked the audience -- by a show of hands -- whether they felt the video was compelling.  Literally every single hand went into the air!  Every single one.

THAT, my friends, is the power of video.  THAT is the power of social media/marketing done right (I found that video online, shared it with 100 in the room, made it available to several who requested it, and they told two friends ... and so on ... and so on ....).  Not a bad result for the video producer and publisher who created it to demonstrate how immersed our lives are in digital media -- but also, of course, to promote his book and business.  THAT is effective marketing in this new age.  Very ....

Once again, you can hear our entire talk -- and view the corresponding powerpoint slide deck -- by clicking to this link.

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