Senin, 16 September 2013

Tesla - My 90 Day Review of the Model S

Back by popular demand (seriously, I was prodded by several readers), here is the latest installment in my continuing series of customer experience reviews related to my Tesla Model S.  First, I rated the XP from my first contact (phone call) with Tesla -- through my online order -- to initial pick up at the Tesla service center (a period of about 6 weeks).  Next, I rated my first 30 days with the car.  Then, I reviewed my first 60 days (which included both a flat tire and an accident).  Now, it's been 90 days (actually, closer to 100).  Have my views changed?  Am I still satisfied?  Happy?  Giddy?

The answers to those questions -- in that order -- are "no", "yes", "yes" and "yes".  Very satisfied (if the car had the rear-end sensors and back-seat cup holders, the satisfaction meter would be closer to giddy).

It's simply a great car (even with its few important feature omissions that I have pointed out in my previous reviews and undoubtedly will be fixed in the 2014 model).  My bumper is now fixed (from my 60-day accident about which I wrote).  It is now shiny again.  Other Tesla owners continue to flash their lights as they pass by, as if to congratulate me for being "one of them" (which my wife, Luisa, continues to think is not just odd, but rather obnoxious).  I continue to smirk at anachronistic gas stations.  And, my Tesla continues to whisper on the road (while my interior continues to thumb with my cranked up bass -- something an early gym goer pointed out to me after "feeling" the noise as I entered the parking lot in the wee hours; DEFINITELY get the upgraded sound package if you choose to take the plunge).

One more recommendation.  If you are interested in the electric car revolution in general, Tesla, the company, specifically, and in CEO Elon Musk -- as well as the company's near-death experience a few years back when Musk literally almost exhausted his entire $100+ million PayPal fortune -- I urge you to watch the documentary "Revenge of the Electric Car."  You can find it on Netflix -- and it is a testament to hard-core entrepreneurs everywhere as Musk's face turns sheet white -- caught on tape -- as he essentially writes his last personal check in one last-ditch effort as his company rides on fumes.

And, those are the last fumes related to the Tesla ....

Ride on Model S.  Ride on!

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