Senin, 13 Januari 2014

And They Said On-Demand Subscription Music Services Would Never Work ... Up 103% Just Last Year!

Here’s the headline -- on-demand audio streaming services were up a whopping 103% with consumers last year, while digital music downloads were down for the first time ever.  In other words, we have reached that point where on-demand streaming has overtaken downloads and recharacterized the meaning of music “ownership.”  Essentially, the consumer value proposition underlying the “rental” model -- with on-demand access to millions upon millions of tracks -- has finally been realized on a mass scale.

And, to think that only a couple years ago, most pundits believed that this rental/subscription model never would catch on -- i.e., that consumers demanded what they defined as being true content “ownership.”

Way back in the day, I saw this coming and had a front seat to these developments all along the way.  I served as President & COO of online music pioneer Musicmatch (acquired by Yahoo! for $160 million) from 2002-2004, and we launched one of the first-ever on-demand music streaming services.  From that time forward -- as Musicmatch became Yahoo! Music which became Rhapsody -- I have primarily consumed music via on-demand streaming (rather than via music downloads and, certainly, via CDs).  That’s 10+ years of on-demand streaming for me.

And they said it wouldn’t happen ....

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