Sabtu, 01 Februari 2014

My TechCrunch “Ask A VC” Interview - Bullish On Content & On Silicon Beach

A few weeks back, TechCrunch’s Leena Rao interviewed me for her “Ask A VC” show.  As CEO of Manatt Digital Media Ventures, I work closely with my partner Hale Boggs on digital media and tech investments (primarily, but not exclusively, early stage), in addition to business advisory, connecting and mentoring activities.  As you will see, I am bullish about content in this brave new world of digital media -- and am also bullish on LA's and Silicon Beach's central role in the overall eco-system.  Here it is. (NOTE -- I know the video is, for some reason, unavailable at this moment below, but I assure you it is the correct embed code; and I hope that changes soon; however, click on this link to watch the interview if the video doesn’t play below.)

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