Rabu, 05 Maret 2014

A Week in the Life of a Digital Media Exec - The Whirlwind Starts Today

Digital media/tech conferences permeate the landscape and can overwhelm digital media execs (like me).  I could, essentially, attend events 100% -- so, you must pick your events judiciously.

Well, this coming week -- starting today -- is chock full of worthy events.  And, my dance card is filled -- my cup overfloweth’.

Today, the excellent inaugural OASIS: The Montgomery Summit kicks off in the heart of Silicon Beach -- Santa Monica, California.  It is a VC’s paradise, with well over 100 companies pitching and vying for our attention.  And, today’s highlighted speaker is Google’s Eric Schmidt.  But, there’s more.  For the first time, a significant social impact vibe permeates the event.  That’s why Deepak Chopra is a featured speaker tomorrow.  Didn’t have enough?  Then, get this.  One of my favorite bands -- Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros -- plays tonight’s VIP party.  I am proud to say that event organizers green-lighted me to break that news several days ago.

So, that’s today and tomorrow.  How about Friday?  Glad you asked.  Friday is the kick-off for the excellent UCLA Entertainment Symposium, at which I will moderate a panel titled “Multi-Channel Networks & Other New Premium Video Players -- Their Impact On (& Opportunity For) Hollywood.”  This should be a good one -- my panel will feature Allen DeBevoise (CEO of Machinima), Keyvan Peymani (Head of Digital & Strategy at ICM), Paul Snow (YouTube), and Anna Tran Reyna of Fox Networks).

You would think that that’s enough to end the week, right?  Wrong.

Saturday I fly to SXSW -- where I will be until Wednesday morning, March 12 (when they will need to fly me back in a body bag after the continuing barrage of meetings, events and parties).  My company -- Manatt Digital Media -- will attend SXSW in full force.  Want to schedule a meeting at SXSW?  Then reach out to me via LinkedIn.

Just another week ....

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