Kamis, 01 Mei 2014

MCN Fullscreen Bid Reported for $750M - $1B (I Previously Listed As #1 On My Agatha Christie “And Then There Were None” List)

Breaking News - Relativity Media is reported to have made a $750 million to $1 billion bid to acquire leading MCN Fullscreen (after it failed to disrupt the Disney/Maker Studios deal).

No surprise there.  As I wrote just a few days back, my sources told me that Fullscreen was “in play.”  That’s why I listed them #1 in my “MCN’s - Who’s Next?” post.

MCN March Madness has moved through April and now into May.  And, as I have written several times, it shows no signs of abating.  Not many leading MCNs left -- and Fullscreen was one of the few remaining horizontally-focused MCNs with real “mass.”

Expect this deal to close.

And, expect others to follow.

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