Selasa, 21 Oktober 2014

Let’s Meet at SLUSH in Helsinki, November 18-20

Yes, you heard me right.  What better time to travel to Helsinki, Finland for a tech conference than in the dead of Winter -- when it is icy cold, slushy (hence the name) and limited sunshine?

And, that’s the point!  The organizers of SLUSH -- the premier tech conference focused on the white hot Eurasian tech and startup scene -- have a sense of humor.  A far cry from the tedious endless sunshine, heat and oceans that serve as the backdrop for SoCal-centric tech conferences.

SLUSH is “under the radar” for most in digital media and tech here in the States.  Top blue-chip investors (both State-side and outside our borders), media and tech execs will attend.  I will too, wearing multiple hats (and gloves, a scarf, boots) -- as a digital media/tech advisor, investor, and journalist.  My goal is to meet the top influencers and innovators in that part of the world in which so much innovation is happening today -- and to help connect the dots for many of them with opportunities and influencers over on this side of the Pond.  And, simply, to tell their stories -- because more of these Eurasian tech stories deserve to be told ... and heard.

Let’s meet at SLUSH.  Reach out to me via LinkedIn to schedule a meeting.

Being a Minnesotan -- and having grown up in that frozen tundra -- I say, “bring it on!"

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