Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Sorenson Media -- Nominated for Record 4 Streaming Media Europe "Readers' Choice" Awards

On behalf of the entire team here at Sorenson Media, we are gratified that our overall solutions have been nominated for a record four (4) Streaming Media Europe "Readers' Choice" awards!  

Here are our nominations:

-- Best Cloud Video Service -- Squeeze Cloud
-- Best Online Video Platform -- Sorenson 360
--      Best Streaming Services Provider -- Squeeze Server
-- Best Transcoding Solution -- Sorenson Squeeze

We are back-to-back Readers' Choice Europe winners for best transcoding solution for Squeeze -- and that had followed 4 prior consecutive "Readers' Choice" awards (making it a 5-peat).  And, last year, we also took home more crowns (3X) in the US Readers' Choice awards (including the single most coveted award -- i.e., "Best Online Video Technology Company").  

For the second time, our industry-first full Squeeze Server enterprise-grade portfolio of solutions (ie., Squeeze Cloud, Squeeze On Premise, and Squeeze Hybrid) have been nominated for this European award.

These awards mean a lot to us here at Sorenson Media because it is you -- our customers and video professionals (who include all major media and entertainment companies, over 70 Fortune 100 companies) -- who do the voting.  

6-peat anyone?  Would mean a lot to us -- it never gets old for this passionate team here who do it for the right reasons.  To innovate.  To satisfy the needs of video professionals like nobody else can (at least that is our goal).

POST-SCRIPT -- Europe is increasingly strategic for us here at Sorenson Media.  Last time I checked, nearly 30% or our overall online revenues are generated in Europe (with London being our single most significant revenue driving city worldwide, outpacing even New York and LA).

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