Kamis, 04 Oktober 2012

My First HuffPo(st) -- "Indie Filmmakers & the Digital Dilemma"

Yesterday represented a blogging milestone -- my first guest post in The Huffington Post, the single most widely-read blog in the U.S. with over 36 million uniques.

The title of my post is "Indie Filmmakers and the Digital Dilemma" -- click on this link to read it.  I believe you will be surprised ... very surprised ... at the extreme vulnerability of digital data (which is much more vulnerable than good old celluloid).  This, of course, means that an entire generation of indie films have the potential to be lost forever (in fact, that disappearing act is happening now).  Before I wrote the piece and was asked to join an organization committed to film preservation (the Utah Film & Media Arts Coalition or UFMAC), I didn't know that.  You likely don't know that.  And, that is precisely why it is worthy of a read.

I am proud to be a member of the Archive Committee for UFMAC, which has been organized to offer a safe-haven & solution to digital filmmakers.  Salt Lake City, of course, is the logical home of this kind of indie film archive, given that it is the home of the world-famous Sundance Film Festival.  It is also the birthplace of my company, Sorenson Media.  I have a special affinity to indie films.  Not only do I generally watch indie films, I previously worked at well-known indie film companies in LA -- first at New Line Cinema (which ultimately was acquired by Turner and was indie no more), and subsequently at Savoy Pictures (which ultimately was acquired -- and then shuttered -- by Barry Diller).

Please help me spread the word about this digital dilemma facing indie filmmakers -- and UFMAC's efforts to solve it.

One more note -- Geralyn Dreyfous, who is featured in the piece and is a key driver of the overall "cause" -- is just plain wonderful.  Talented (she is an Academy Award winner, among other things).  Connected.  Generous.  Energetic.  Engaging.  Delightful.  If you ever get a chance to meet her, jump on it!

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