Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

NEW Squeeze Server 2.0 From Sorenson Media -- Wholly Redesigned -- An Entirely New Product

Big news today at my company, Sorenson Media.  We are officially unveiling our wholly re-conceived enterprise transcoding product, Squeeze Server 2.0 (click here for our official press release -- and click here for Streaming Media's coverage of our Squeeze Server announcement).

Technically, this is v2.0 of Squeeze Server -- but, this is much more than a major point release.  This is a completely rethought, redesigned, and redeveloped product that has been virtually the sole focus of our development team for this entire past year.   And, we didn't redesign in a vacuum.  We redesigned with the active participation of, and feedback from, tens of existing and beta enterprise users.  In other words, lots of blood, sweat and tears.  We learned much along the way -- and it certainly wasn't easy.  This took the great ingenuity of essentially the entire Sorenson Media team, with overall development being led by Mitch Holyoak who leads our Salt Lake City office and who has been with our company for 15 years.  Mitch is one of the foremost experts in video encoding/transcoding in the world.  No problem can't be tackled by him and his team.  And, this new version of Squeeze Server oozes with innovation.

We believe Squeeze Server 2.0 has the potential to disrupt the enterprise transcoding market by bringing user benefits unique Sorenson Media and for which we are legend.  This includes unprecedented speed, quality, workflow, support and value.  Here's a bit more detail:

SPEED -- we have made ground-breaking enhancements to our core encoding algorithm to maximize all available server CPUs fore each encode;

QUALITY -- the broadest variety of input and output options for multi-screen video preparation with optimized encoding presets, including optimizations for all four leading adaptive bitrate streaming protocols (including MPEG-DASH, HLS, Smooth Streaming, and Flash Dynamic);

WORKFLOW -- a completely redesigned user interface that enables easy management, updating and status indicators for all encoding, including remote control of the servers from a browsers or iOS device; we also offer easy-to-use installation configurations, so the application is ready for encoding within moments (literally), with zero configuration queues and intelligent presets;  additionally, and unique to Sorenson Media, Squeeze Server is optimized for hybrid cloud/on-premise environments, and runs equally well in any public or private cloud; also, Squeeze Server ties in directly with our award-winning Squeeze Desktop encoding application so that users of Desktop can directly offload encoding jobs to Squeeze Server and thereby free up their work stations (and also get the benefit in Server of all the customized presets they made in Desktop);

SUPPORT -- dedicated gold-tier maintenance with highly trained video experts (via phone, email, or live chat -- the users decide), as well as ongoing updates and upgrades as they become available.

VALUE -- Squeeze Server is offered via two different licensing models -- the first is a one-time cost of $5,000 and 18% maintenance (with no hidden costs or additional data base costs charged by others), and the second is a variable monthly subscription fee which is ideal for virtualized/Cloud usage.  Others in our enterprise transcoding market charge SIGNIFICANTLY more for significantly LESS.

Bottom line -- we are proud -- very proud -- of this one.  We believe we got this one right.  Very right.  And that isn't just based on our own internal thinking.  It is based on actual beta users who we are now converting to actual customers.

They trust the Sorenson Media brand -- and what it represents.

We are showcasing new Squeeze Server 2.0 at the Streaming Media West conference which kicks off today in LA.  Stop by our booth -- which we are sharing with our new partner RealNetworks to offer the broadest variety of transcoding and streaming solutions to cover the needs of virtually any workflow.

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