Rabu, 12 Desember 2012

Evergram Part II -- Send A Video Message To Larry Page, Marissa Mayer, Even Zuck

Yesterday I wrote about future messaging platform Evergram -- a service definitely worth checking out -- and which is getting nice, and well-deserved, significant attention (TechCrunch being one).

Well, those smart and passionate guys at Evergram are also clever marketers.  First, they pitch themselves in wedding dresses (yes, 'tis true, check this out -- and you will understand why they did).  Now, they are giving you a direct channel (literally a direct video channel) to Google's Larry Page, Yahoo!'s Marissa Mayer, and Facebook's very own Mark Zuckerberg, enabling you to create a message that will be delivered to them on New Year's Day.

Don't understand?  Well then check out the links above -- and you'll see what I mean.  Smart, very smart.  Helps you internalize the power and potential of "future messaging."  And, gives the company great buzz in the process.

Now it's up to Page, Mayer and Zuck to pick up your message on New Year's Day and watch it ....

Here's more about this ambitious service, Evergram.  Yesterday, I gave some of the back-story about how it came to be in the first place -- i.e., THAT moment of inspiration.  More detail is warranted to give that moment justice -- and here it is directly from the founders themselves (which will help you really understand why Evergram is here in the first place -- and the depth of ambition and meaning behind this company -- it's raison d'etre, if you will):

When Evergram’s CEO and Co-Founder, Duncan Seay, was diagnosed with Cancer in December 2010, his business partner and co-founder, Jeff Caden approached Seay with an idea that would allow him to send wisdom messages to his loved ones for delivery in the event of his death. The idea quickly morphed into a solution firmly embedded around life’s important occasions and deeper human connections; a solution the founders believe will profoundly change the way our society uses social media, and social video, in particular.

“When we first learned that the disruption of time fostered the creation of meaningful messaging, we became very excited," says Caden. When video, text or audio messages are sent for future delivery, whether hours, days or even years later, the degree of thoughtfulness and connection typically increases. This is a phenomenon often experienced in letter writing, and one that the Evergram team has integrated into its entire user interface. Evergram further believes that technology has the ability to strengthen human relationships, and not to replace them; an increasing concern studied by MIT’s Science and Technology Professor, Sherry Turkle, who notes “We expect more from technology and less from each other.” 

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