Minggu, 09 Desember 2012

LIVE Entertainment Done Right -- METRIC Style

There's nothing like live entertainment.  And, there's nothing like live music entertainment.

Case in point -- METRIC (the best undiscovered, discovered band), last night, at the House of Blues San Diego.  Powerful.  Energetic.  Creative.  Real Musicians.  Talented.  Quite simply, the real deal.

Canadian band METRIC (you know some of their songs, but not many -- but you should know them all) has been in heavy rotation for me for months, literally months.  Something clicked with them for me in the past few months.  So much so that a couple months back, I ripped my 13 year old daughter (also a passionate music fan) out of school early in San Diego on a Tuesday, drove up to LA, and got front row tix at the Greek Theater to see the band live.  I wrote it about it then.  One word -- "memorable."  The several hour trip to and from LA was worth it (and I had my doubts before taking that long trip).  My daughter and I proudly wear our METRIC t-shirts from that night.  We represent.  We represent a band that deserves to be represented.  To be heard.

So, imagine my surprise when unbeknownst to me, METRIC announced a show at the House of Blues right in my 'hood in San Diego?  House of Blues?  Are you kidding me?  I immediately Stub Hubbed, got tix for $38, took my wife (after discovering my favorite new restaurant in San Diego -- Banker's Hill Restaurant), met up with fellow Sorenson Media-ite Kirk Punches, and enjoyed the show.  More than enjoyed it, immersed ourselves in it.  Up in the balcony.  So close to the band.  Incredible.  Once again, they hit it out of the park.  Lead singer Emily Haines is that powerful.  Again, simply the real deal.  I don't understand why this band doesn't play on a bigger stage.  But, last night, I was thankful that they didn't.  I was thankful to be part of this intimate live performance ... nay, experience.

Check out METRIC's music.  Trust me on this one.  Spotify them.  Rhapsody them.  But, just listen to them.

Then see the band live, because there is nothing more powerful than the live experience when done right.  And, they do it right ...

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