Senin, 22 April 2013

My 25th Harvard Law Reunion -- An Excellent Adventure in Boston

My last post on Friday was from 30,000 feet -- on my way to my 25th year Harvard Law reunion -- from San Diego.  While in the air (literally) -- and due to the crazy circumstances in Boston last week (including the man-hunt all day Friday) -- I received an official notice from Harvard announcing that the official reunion was cancelled.  Completely.

And, so began my wild ride.

Yes, I was disappointed upon receiving the news via wi-fi.  At the same time, I knew that those I most wanted to see -- my die-hard group from Class of 1988 (which includes Michelle Obama, by the way) -- would be undaunted.  They would show.  We would gather.  We would find a place where we could catch up, exchange stories, laugh.

I arrived at Boston's airport at 6 pm Friday -- at a time when the city was still in complete lock-down.  Eerie.  I was first in the cab line -- and breezed into Cambridge (the bombers' home), as very few were on the road.  The electronic highway signs we whizzed pass announced the lock-down -- instructing us to stay indoors.  Bizarre.

My "gang" soon gathered in the hotel bar -- and so the reminiscing began (actually many had begun hours earlier in that same place, with no place else to go, since all restaurants and bars had been shut down all day).  We prepared to hole up in that watering hole until the "green light" was given.  And, soon after it was.  At about 7:30 the lock-down was lifted -- and we learned that our desired destination would soon open on a limited basis.  So we went.  And, so did what seemed to be much of Cambridge.

In that place, TV screens were on.  And, in a very short period of time, we could see -- live, on the air -- that they had captured the second suspect.  Spontaneous applause burst out at the sight.  Unforgettable.  Boston became a city of brotherhood and sisterhood at that moment -- an incredible shared experience.

From that point forward, the reunion followed our gang's memorable script.  Continued meandering in Cambridge until 2 am Saturday morning.  Our Saturday morning hoops game (yes, we continue to play), where only 2 of us 11 were injured.  At about that time, we also received a notification from Harvard announcing that the official Saturday night reunion dinner was back on -- albeit in an abridged format.

And, so it went.  No, Michelle Obama did not show up.  But, my long-time (but not long-lost) friends did.  Amazing friends.  Incredibly talented.  Of the highest quality in every respect.  There is something very special about our Class of 1988.  At our official reunion dinner -- which we shared with those celebrating their 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30th reunions -- our Class out-number every one of those by at least a factor of 5.  When announced, our Class erupted with spirit.  Our Harvard Law Dean -- Martha Minnow -- took notice.  She recognized that as well, since she taught us at the time.

Another one for the ages.


I toast my friends once again.

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