Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Big Cable Partnering with Netflix? My Thoughts in the San Francisco Chronicle

I previously wrote about recent reports that major cable companies are in discussions with Netflix to potentially carry the service “natively” on their set-top boxes.  Given the long adverse history between the two camps, this was big news.

The San Francisco Chronicle -- in the heart of the tech community -- published a feature story yesterday about the subject.  My thoughts were referenced repeatedly in that article (since I had been interviewed a few days back by reporter Benny Evangelista).

Bottom line -- I absolutely believe that it makes sense for the cable companies to carry Netflix -- for myriad reasons, including (1) offering consumers a one-stop shop for all of the content they want, (2) driving even more reason for consumers to upgrade to their significantly higher margin faster broadband services, (3) bringing even more visibility to their own original programming, and (4) raising the overall customer experience (and, hence, net promoter scores) which, in turn, could slow down the phenomenon of cord cutting.

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