Rabu, 20 November 2013

My 1300th Post -- Bullish On Content (& Creators) in This Digital Media World

This post marks a personal milestone -- my 1,300th digital media musing.  That’s a lot of writing.  Much of it fueled by coffee.  But ALL of it fueled by passion.  I love what I do.  I love being part of the bleeding edge where media meets technology -- and all of the opportunity that mash-up creates.

Ahh, yes.  Let’s talk about creation -- creation in the digital media world.  Specifically, let’s talk about the creators of content.  Those who imagine it.  Those who take those ideas and make them tangible.  Those who finance it.  Those who develop it.  Those who direct and act in it.  Those who package it.  That collective expression of “creation” is unique -- one-of-a-kind.  And, so long as it is compelling, that creation has an opportunity ... the potential ... to find, and impact, an audience.  All it needs is the means to do so ....

Now, let’s talk about that audience.  That’s us.  That’s you and me.  And, that’s all those overseas -- rich and poor.  We now live in a connected world where the vast majority of people on this planet can be reached -- 24/7.  The mobile device -- that is the connecting tissue.  It is this technology -- which, unlike the unique creation of content can be replicated (e.g., millions of identical iPhones) -- that gives compelling content the vehicle ... the means ... to find that audience.  To find you and me.  To perhaps even have a global impact.

THAT is power my friends!

That’s why, amidst all of the “disruption” to traditional media business models in this brave new digital media world (in which the long-anticipated convergence is finally happening), I see great opportunity for ALL participants in the media eco-system.  Yes, many current players will adapt too late and will miss this “new golden age” of content fueled by this newly multi-platform and always-connected world.  But, new innovators will take their place and expand the overall media opportunity both for creators and for the consumers who crave engagement with those compelling creations.  We want more, not less.  Just look around you.  We are engaging with content like never before.  Everywhere you look, we are mesmerized.

That’s why I am long on media and entertainment.

I am long on the content creators.

I am bullish.  Very.

Long live content.  Long live the king!

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