Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

My Guest Article in Billboard - The Online/Offline Connection for Live Music

This past Friday, Billboard published my most recent guest article about the online/offline connection for live music events/concerts -- how virtual services and technology can enhance live music experiences AND, importantly, help artists and other stakeholders can monetize those live events more significantly with new revenue streams, etc.  It is titled “Digital Tech, Helping Monetize and Expand the Live Music Experience.”  In it, I discuss geofencing and sound technology, wearables, and other new services offered by innovative companies such as Wham City Lights, Sonic Notify, Estimote, Audience Entertainment, Lively, WillCall and Mobile Roadie.

I previously wrote about the online/offline connection in general -- and opportunities to monetize around it -- for WIRED in an article titled “Media’s Online-Offline Nexus: Connecting Virtual, Physical Worlds.

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