Senin, 03 November 2014

Meet at MITA TechTalks in Punta Mita, Mexico -- November 9-11

I previously wrote about my and Manatt Digital Media’s commitment to the international digital media community by traveling later this month (11/17-11/20) to Helsinki, Finland for Slush -- which has fast become a major “must attend” Euro-based tech conference.  I will wear multiple hats at Slush -- investor, advisor, and journalist (contributing on behalf of VideoInk, which has fast become a critical news resource for anyone associated with the digital video business).

Here’s another proof point of our dedication to the international cause (and opportunity).  Manatt Digital Media and ManattJones Global Strategies (our sister Manatt company focused on global strategy and connections, with a particular focus on Mexico and Latin America) are co-sponsors of the MITA TechTalks in Punta Mita, Mexico next week (11/9-11/12).  The MITA TechTalks -- like Slush in Europe -- has fast become a “must attend” event for the digital media and tech communities.  First, the surroundings will be beautiful (albeit an entirely different kind of beauty than Helsinki in late November).  Second, the speaker and attendee lists are impressive.  And, third, business gets done at MITA, plain and simple.  That’s certainly my plan

Several of us from the Manatt family will actively participate in MITA.  Hale Boggs, my partner-in-crime at Manatt and Chairman of Manatt Digital Media, will serve as a panelist on a key VC-focused panel.  Michael Camunez, my fellow partner at Manatt, former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for President Obama and now CEO of ManattJones Global Strategies, will lead a discussion underscoring cross-border opportunities.  And, I will present my view of 2014 from a media and entertainment perspective -- and, in particular, focus on the media and entertainment transformation in which we find ourselves right now as a result of the mobile revolution (and the millennials who are driving much of it).

That revolution is happening on a grand scale right now in Mexico, although it is quiet to most in the U.S.-focused media and entertainment world who remain largely blind to it and instead under-value the overall Mexican and Latin America market opportunity.  Here’s one key factoid for you to underscore that point.  Mobile video engagement -- already massive and fast-accelerating in the U.S. -- is 2X greater in Mexico!  48% of smartphone users in Mexico view videos from their phones daily (compared to 24% in the U.S).

Meet me at MITA.  Send me a note via LinkedIn to coordinate schedules.  We’ll exchange notes -- and find ways to work together amidst the highly “challenging” beach-front work environment of Punta Mita!

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