Kamis, 13 November 2014

Why MITA TechTalks Matter

Remember Corona Beer’s memorable advertising slogan “Change you Latitude?"  Well, it was particularly apt for the MITA TechTalks conference that just concluded in Punta Mita, Mexico.  Leading media, digital media and tech companies – including Samsung, Netflix, PayPal and Cinepolis (more on this global Mexican-based company below) – gathered together for 2.5 days in this beautiful beach resort town.  We too at Manatt (both Manatt Digital Mediaand our Mexican-focused business strategy arm ManattJones Global Strategies) participated and sponsored the event.  I spoke about the mobile-fueled global transformation of the media and entertainment business (and how Mexico’s demographics are ripe for companies to seize that transformation -- click here to watch the “What Is Digital Media 2014?” video I showcased at the beginning of my talk).

Think of MITA TechTalks as being a cross between Paul Allen’s Sun Valley conference and TED -- but in Mexico instead.   The focus is on Mexico and Latin American business opportunities and investment.  And, although it is early in its life (this is MITA's 4th year), the event delivered and was covered by the likes of Forbes and El Financiero (the Wall Street Journal of Mexico).  And, while the conference’s beautiful surroundings were dampened by the rains throughout (okay, more like drenched ... as one presenter said about a very different topic, “am just sayin’”), those conditions surprisingly achieved the counter-intuitive effect of bringing the 125+ or so attendees even closer.

Yes, the event’s content was great.  Speakers were impressive (it was one of the first event’s I have ever attended where speaker after speaker captured my interest).  But, that was nearly secondary to the bonding that took place amongst participants at this rare event in another land where breakfasts, lunches and dinners were shared for multiple days and with a select number of invitees.  You see, there is no place to hide at smaller events like these – and that is the point.  Those who attend self-select – and that leads to much deeper relationship-building than is possible at virtually any other media and technology conference.  Almost like summer camp.  I met great, talented people.  Was inspired by many.  And, will most definitely do business with several of them.

Then you add the international overlay to the event.  Traveling outside borders.  Outside of the U.S.-centric media and tech industries.  That international perspective alone made it worthwhile.  We too infrequently take the time to make such effort (it means a few days off the grid, after all).  But, it is important – dare I say, critical? – to get other perspectives.  Learn about other lands.  Hear about successful entrepreneurs and innovation that take place elsewhere -- outside of the U.S.  Because those entrepreneurs and that innovation most certainly do. 

Case in point, Cinepolis (the media company I mention above).  Cinepolis is a company that is near and dear to me and my family in San Diego.  It is a luxury theater chain at which we attend most of our movies and that has re-imagined the theater-going experience.  Until last week, I had no idea that Cinepolis was a Mexican-based privately-held company that has been in the game for 42 years and is the 4th largest theater chain in the world.  Now I do.  And, at MITA, I met its energetic and innovative #2 man, Miguel Mier, who laid out the company’s bold and ambitious vision to continue to “change the game” and ensure that movie-going continues to be an “experience” unlike any other that will not become obsolete simply because we increasingly live in a virtual world.

Amen to that!  Yes, I am "that digital guy” who attended MITA.  I absolutely believe in its virtual power and reach.  But, just like Miguel Mier, I believe in the power of the physical/offline “experience” and its continuing (increasingly?) critical place in our fast-evolving digital world.

That’s why I believe in the MITA TechTalks and the role it plays (and the few others out there like it).  There is a need – a time and a place – to gather together as a small tribe.  To sit back and listen.  To discuss relevant issues of the day.  To be confronted live and in-person with different perspectives.  To discuss them face-to-face.  To learn.  And, to give some of that learning back.

This past week, MITA TechTalks 2014 was that time.    

Now, onto the Eurasian perspective of Slush in Helsinki, Finland.  A very different kind of conference in a very different kind of land.  But, important for many of the same reasons.

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