Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

Manatt Digital Media -- Our Manifesto & Our Mission

So, what precisely is Manatt Digital Media?  I get that question a lot. 

Well, here is our "Manifesto" with which we officially launched on May 15.  It is, in effect, our stake in the ground -- and it explains what we do, why we do it, and how we do it differently ... and boldly.

Manatt Digital Media is a disruptive new full-service digital media services business.  
What do we mean by disruptive?  

1. We offer the most comprehensive and impactful digital media services, bar none—empowering venture capital, strategic business consulting and partnerships, aggressive, smart negotiating, and unheard-of access to A-list artists and global brands. We tossed out the one-dimensional, cookie-cutter digital media “practice group” playbook used by other law firms. We created our own. 

2. Our clients range from the most innovative new artists, international superstar artists and global brands, to companies of all size and stage –start-up to growth to mature public companies—all of whom seek active collaboration and answers amid this ever-changing new frontier of digital media. 

3. Our leadership includes actual digital media “insiders” —i.e., business entrepreneurs and operators who have built and successfully sold digital media start-up and growth companies, and have been operators in major media companies. That means we understand your real-world issues and can speak your language. No ivory towers here.

4. We operate our own venture capital fund. That means that we put our money where our mouths are. We invest in pioneering entrepreneurs and their companies because we believe digital media presents never-before-seen opportunities. That is no line—we have invested in over 90 companies, including Pinterest and Etsy. We are hungry to invest more. 

5. We offer unmatched access to top music, motion picture and entertainment artists, ranging from international superstars to the most innovative independent and emerging artists. Our depth of relationships is unrivaled and extends to the biggest global brands. It is “win-win” matchmaking. Our artist and marketing clients seek to capitalize on new opportunities. Our digital media company clients develop them. We connect them like no other professional services business can.

6. All of this is grounded in the deep experience of our firm, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, one of the world’s most respected and storied law firms for media, entertainment and advertising. We live and breathe media and digital media, and have for years where it all happens: Los Angeles, New York, and Silicon Valley. Meanwhile, others are just taking their first Hollywood lunch. 

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