Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

My New Gig -- My New Hats ... Or, Csathy Goes (Back) to Hollywood

Today is a big day for me, a very big day.  As of today, I am now officially CEO of Manatt Digital Media Ventures (here is the official press release).  That means I am now officially a VC.  And a business connector ... and a negotiator ... and deal-maker ... and consultant ... and ....  You get the point.

Where previously -- and for the past 4+ years -- I have worn one hat as CEO of online video innovator Sorenson Media (and have been honored to wear that hat), now I wear multiple hats.  Where before I was internally focused on the success of one storied company (and we had many), now I am primarily externally focused to help build successes for multiple companies.  I have simply chosen to move my career forward on a very different path at this point in my career.  And, it is a very exciting one for me -- layered, and with multiple ways to add value.  To make a difference.

So, what exactly is Manatt Digital Media Ventures?

It is a division of Manatt Digital Media, a disruptive new full-service digital media professional services business for entrepreneurs, ranging from individuals to companies of every size and stage –- start-up, growth, mature public.  Think of Manatt Digital Media as being a one-stop shop for empowering venture capital, strategic business consulting and partnerships, aggressive and smart negotiating, and unrivaled direct access to A-list artists and global brands.  There is nothing else like it.  And, all these services are grounded in the experience and resources of of Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, one of the most respected and storied law firms for the media, entertainment and advertising industries.  Manatt's roots run deep in the centers of media, entertainment, advertising and technology -- in Los Angeles, New York, and Silicon Valley -- and with the talent that makes it all possible within those centers.  In a word, Manatt is "connected."  That is very attractive to me.

As CEO of Manatt Digital Media Ventures, I am fortunate to help lead the charge at Manatt Digital Media with highly respected, connected, long-time digital media and VC specialist Hale Boggs, who will serve as Chairman of Manatt Digital Media and whose passion it was in the first place to create this new organization.  It was Hale's ambitious, aggressive and bold vision that attracted me to go this very different direction at this point in my career.  Put simply, it was an opportunity that I simply couldn't pass up.  

Hale, I and the rest of the Manatt Digital Media team are ready to hit it out of the park -- to provide unmatched value to every type of player in the digital media eco-system.  We feel bold about what we intend to do -- so bold, in fact, that we wrote a "Manifesto" on our new Manatt Digital Media website that just launched today in conjunction with this news (here is the link to our Manifesto).

And, for me, it gets event better.  I am not leaving Sorenson Media behind.  Not at all.  I will continue to help drive future successes for Sorenson Media -- and for Jim Sorenson -- as a board member.  Sorenson Media is near and dear to me and continues to be an important part of my professional life.  I absolutely believe in the company and the talent within it.  I absolutely respect and believe in Jim Sorenson and his passion for that company (a passion that already has resulted in a massive "win" when part of Sorenson Media spun-out in 2005 in what is still today the largest private equity deal in Utah history).  Sorenson Media team will achieve even greater things going forward in this increasingly video-driven multi-screen world.

But wait, there's still more!  (But, no, there are no ginzu knives part of this deal).  In my new role -- and at this point in my career -- I am able to focus on other types of pursuits that mean much to me.  Pursuits of passion that have significant non-profit and "give back" components.  Pursuits of passion that involve positive social action and achieve positive social impact.  Pursuits of passion that hopefully make a difference -- make the world a better place.  Make me and my family -- our kids and our friends -- more properly guided and internally rewarded and fulfilled.  Some of these projects include my wife, Luisa's, non-profit Giving Tree Movement, and my own passion project -- FM3 Experience, a world-class music festival that I am developing with an A-list team for launch in the Fall of 2014.  We have heavy-hitters aligned in both -- because they too are dreamers ... believers.

It is an exciting new time for me.  And, I feel fortunate -- very fortunate -- to be in this position at this point in my career and in my life.  People -- both professionally and personally (most of all, my wife, Luisa, and our two wonderful kids, Hunter and Luca) -- have made it all possible of course.  That is the most fortunate part of all of it -- the people with whom I am (and have been) connected.

Time to get started.  Attention all you digital media entrepreneurs out there, PITCH ME!

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