Senin, 16 Desember 2013

5 Questions with Causora’s CEO Kai Buehler -- My Exclusive Q&A

      LA-based Causora is a so-called “double bottom line” company -- it is absolutely “for profit,” but its success is also measured by positive social impact.  Causora makes it easy for any “cause” to easily incorporate a giving element to its website and match each donated dollar with an equal dollar value benefit from any one of Causora’s scores of partners.  Want to donate $20 to the American Red Cross to support relief efforts for the recent devastating Philippine typhoon?  You can -- and now you can select an equal $20 of value from any retail partner in Causora’s fast-expanding network (including shops, restaurants and spas).  In essence, Causora rewards donations -- thereby driving greater giving.  Everyone wins in this model -- the cause itself, the “giver” (who feels good about supporting his or her favorite cause - and gets rewarded for giving), and the retail partner (who gains by opening itself up to new customers and greater monetization).

      Serial entrepreneur Kai Buehler is Causora’s Founder & CEO.  Kai has built and sold multiple digital media companies, and I believe he is onto something powerful with Causora -- definitely a company to watch.  So, on with the 5 questions!

     (1) What is the reason your company exists (and what problem(s) are you looking to solve)? 

      We are re-inventing philanthropy.  Causora is a One-for-One giving platform that rewards donations. Our mission is to help causes raise more funds by rewarding donations with the support of our network of 150+ socially conscious merchants.

We’re a team of entrepreneurs, engineers, strategists, and general do-gooders who are hoping to change the face of philanthropy. We love what we do and hope you are equally impressed with Causora.

Check out our video to see how we do it –

(2) How are you different from your competitors?

Causora has created a new ecosystem that links donors, charities, and businesses.  When you donate you earn rewards at socially conscious merchants. You feel good because you are supporting your favorite cause; getting a reward, and supporting socially conscious businesses.   Businesses are able to be philanthropic while gaining new, like-minded customers.  Causes and charities earn more money and can give donors a thank you gift.  Everyone wins.

(3) Why will you succeed (and what is your single most important ingredient for success)?

We have a great founder team that has had six successful start-up exits combined and we are ready to make our investors happy again. Our value proposition is unique – Donate a $, get a $ to spend and we are ready to disrupt a huge market.

(4) What makes you unique (and what do you enjoy most outside of building your business)?

I love having the entrepreneurial freedom to have an idea at breakfast, test it, discuss it with my team and know by the end of the day, if is worthwhile investing further resources into it. I am a passionate and optimistic human being and love to make a social impact with my current venture. Family and friends are most important in my live and it is great to go back to Europe once a year to see my family there.

(5) What digital media trend is most interesting to you (and what is the least)?

Drones and robotics – how great is that?  It’s fascinating to see what business opportunities are being created out of the commercial launch of drones, driver-less cars and robotics. At the same time there is a lot of hype and ambiguity around these trends, which makes it less interesting.

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