Minggu, 08 Desember 2013

Cody Lovaas - Bill Silva Calls Him Jason Mraz’s “Protege"

I have written several times of 15-year old musical talent Cody Lovaas, whom I have called “the next Jack Johnson.”  I was fortunate to host a showcase at my home in San Diego a couple months back -- and he killed it.  Click here to watch him sing a Jack Johnson cover at this event.

Bill Silva Management obviously feels the same, and signed him onto its roster several months ago.  In a press release just last week, Silva called Cody a “protege” of Jazon Mraz -- high praise for the fellow San Diegan.

And, Silva announced that Cody is slated to release new music in 2014 -- great news for all of us who are absolute believers that this kid has it all -- most importantly, great musical talent.

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