Selasa, 16 Desember 2014

Manatt Digital Media’s December Newsletter - The International Edition (We Think It’s a “Must Read!”)

December Newsletter: The Global Edition

2014 has been a transformative year in media and entertainment, particularly with the acceleration of “mobile-first, digital-first” initiatives—which we covered in our November newsletter—from pay TV unbundling to the continuing consolidation of traditional and digital-first media companies (including MCNs). But the action isn’t all in the United States. We live in a new “borderless” digital world where content and social connections can be experienced by anyone around the globe. The population of global mobile phone Internet users surpassed 2 billion in 2014 and will continue to accelerate, creating global opportunities for companies to extend reach and engagement across previously uncharted territories (either individually or via partnerships). With these opportunities come escalating interest from companies to invest in digital, mobile innovations internationally, including in the United States.
At Manatt Digital Media (MDM), we follow global developments in digital media closely and help our clients discover and navigate value-creating opportunities and partnerships. In the past month alone, MDM members have participated in key international-focused events as speakers and attendees. In this newsletter, we reflect on these events as well as global trends in digital media.
And because this is our last newsletter of 2014, we wish all of our readers Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year! See you at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to kick off the New Year in early January.

Reflections on the U.S.-China Film Summit

By Sophia Yen and Kiley Wong
It seems like you can’t go a day without hearing about some China-based company looking to make a big play in the media and entertainment industry. Over the past few years, the promise of new sources of capital and a vast developing market for product consumption has made Hollywood, both traditional and nascent players, scramble to participate in this reverse gold rush. November was a prime example as Hollywood hosted an impressive number of Chinese corporate and entertainment-related dignitaries, many of whom were in town to attend the annual U.S.-China Film Summit, the 4th Annual China International Co-Production Screenings hosted by the MPAA, or the American Film Market. Read more
(Pictured above: Panelists from the 2014 U.S.-China Film Summit. Our very own Lindsay Conner, Partner and Co-Chair of Manatt’s Entertainment and Media Practice, is pictured on the far right.)

SLUSH Tech Conference in Helsinki Highlights and the Hottest Start-Ups (Yes, Sauna Hot!)

By Peter Csathy
SLUSH—the preeminent Eurasian tech conference in Helsinki, Finland—just took place in November—and we attended. SLUSH remains under the radar to most in the U.S. tech and digital media industries. But, that certainly is not the case in the European and Northern Asian tech worlds. At least not anymore. MDM just experienced our first SLUSH—wearing multiple hats. As advisors and connectors (“Bridge to Hollywood,” “Bridge to U.S. tech”). Investors (via the Manatt Venture Fund). And I as a journalist (both for the MDM blog and as a regular contributor to leading U.S. digital video publication VideoInk). These are my observations after my first SLUSH experience. Read more

Why MITA TechTalks Matter

Remember Corona Beer’s memorable advertising slogan “Change your latitude?" Well, it was particularly apt for the MITA TechTalks conference that recently concluded in Punta Mita, Mexico. Leading media, digital media and tech companies—including Samsung, Netflix, PayPal and Cinepolis (more on this global Mexico-based company below)—gathered together for 2.5 days in this beautiful beach resort town. Both MDM and our Mexico-focused business strategy arm ManattJones Global Strategies participated and sponsored the event. I spoke about the mobile-fueled global transformation of the media and entertainment business (and how Mexico’s demographics are ripe for companies to seize that). Read more

Mexico’s Telecom Reform: Fueling the Mobile and Online Audience Growth

In 2013, the Latin American market, which has the fastest-growing Internet adoption, has reached a tipping point with the Internet penetrating 50% of the population. Mobile penetration has also grown–Mexico’s smartphone use doubled between 2012 and 2013, leading the region in mobile traffic. In light of this growth, American marketers and advertisers are quickly expanding into the region. eMarketer predicts that mobile ad spending in Mexico will grow 87.7% in 2014 to $173 millionRead more

The Next Discovery: Will Travel–Will Post–Will Share

Much is written about the Millennial Generation, which those of us in the digital media space are very familiar with … they will make up 50% of the global workforce in less than five years . . . digital-first . . . mobile-obsessed . . . brand loyalists . . . socially conscious . . . to name only a few. One other thread of Millennial core values that we find very intriguing is the global mindset of this generation. There is a spirit of discovery, wanting to explore new cultures, foods, and regions. And once they discover, they love to share about their discoveries and experiences on social media. The reach, the influence and the new spirit of adventure—the travel industry is rejoicing. But surprisingly, there isn’t a huge digital success story in the hospitality/travel sector . . . well, not yet. Read more

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