Selasa, 23 Desember 2014

My Top 10 PERSONAL Musings of 2014 (Or, What Matters to Me ...)

A couple days back, I posted my Top 5 posts of 2014 -- as voted by you, my readers, based on sheer numbers.

This post is different.  These are my Top 10 PERSONAL musings of 2014.  Not digital media or business-focused at all.  Rather, these are personal ruminations about life -- things that matter to me.  So, read on if you are in an introspective mood as this year ends.  These posts struck a chord with at least some of you -- and I would love to get your feedback via LinkedIn about what matters to you ...

(1) "Sometimes You Just Gotta Take the Time ...” -- this one is about slowing down, pausing, reflecting.  Something I need to remind myself over and over and over again.

(2) “San Diego’s Electric Run, $65 - “Live Experiences” with My Son, Priceless” -- this one embodies what matters most to me -- by far -- and ultimately what IT is all about (for me) ... family.  And, unique live “experiences” -- memorable moments in time -- are priceless now -- and will be priceless to you and your loved ones even more as time marches on ....

(3) "My 1,400th Blog Post - I Guess That Qualifies Me as Being a Writer/Journalist" -- I like to write; it matters to me; I hope that it matters to at least some of you; this is something I have been committed to for years.  Part of my identity.

(4) “The Lost Art of the Mix Tape” -- this one combines some of my favorite themes -- the power of music, and the power of simplifying (and appreciating some old-world experiences) in our increasingly technology-driven world.  My daughter, Hunter, is lining her bedroom with vinyl as I write this.  Love that!

(5) “Top 10 Music Tracks of 2014 - My Picks (Just Trust Me ...)” -- once again, how music rules my life and is my therapy -- keeps me passionate; keeps me sane ... and I think you’ll appreciate them; they certainly aren’t pop -- and I absolutely believe that the music you love speaks volumes about who you are and what makes you “tick.”

(6) “The La Jolla Half Marathon - Beauty & The Beast” -- reflects my passion for running, fitness, and my respect for ultra-marathon man Dean Karnazes and what he represents.  Commitment.  Perseverance.

(7) “My Long-Term Care Site - Substantially Augmented - Think It Can Help” -- like all of us, I too faced a major family health crisis this past year -- found out, the hard way, that there are few helpful and compelling resources out there to help organize your thoughts and investigations of potential long-term care solutions for loved ones (and do your best to keep the family on the same page in the process).  So, I built one instead -- think it can help you in your own personal journeys, particularly if you live in California (given the California resources I cite).

(8) “The Curious Case of ‘Curious George” (Or How Small Things Can Make a Big Difference ...)” -- a slice of life from my early professional days (that came back to me this year 20 years later) - and how one small business “move” led to an entire multi-million dollar franchise.  It was very very cool when someone helped me connect the dots.  You see, small decisions and attention to detail really do “matter” -- both professionally, and in life in general.

(9) “What A Difference 10 Years Makes! (Passage of Time - The Best Resolution?)” -- reflects how the passage of time makes seemingly massive issues and adversity seemingly trivial as time passes.  Food for thought as you face stressors of today.

(10) My final musing is not in the form of a previous blog post at all.  It is simply this.

Ahh yes, time.  The passage of it.

What matters to me?  My posts above reflect some of that.

What matters to you as you close out this year and begin to prioritize what matters you in the next?

Good time to think about all of that as things slow down ... live in the moment (as best you can).  Appreciate your family.  Your friends.  What you have.  ’Tis fleeting ...

Be good.  Do good.  And, do what you love!

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