Rabu, 10 Desember 2014

San Diego’s Electric Run, $65 -- Live “Experiences" With My Son, Priceless!

My 12 year old son, Luca (in the middle in the picture to the right)  and I ran the 5K "Electric Run" in San Diego this past weekend, together with one of his best friends.  It was a great event (kudos to event organizers) -- tremendous individual family, friend and communal bonding (the gathering of a tribe)  -- and simply yet another classic “experiential” live event.  These and other live events help define and place exclamation points on the year -- and on life in general.  In our increasingly virtual digital world, physical offline experiences “matter.”  And, given the explosion of these kinds of “weekend warrior” events (5Ks, mud runs, color runs, zombie runs -- or more intense Spartan Races, marathons, triathlons), there is something most definitely in the air.  A thirst for physical “real” experiences -- tribal bonding (I explored some of these themes earlier in a piece I wrote for Wired).  Undoubtedly, Luca (nor I) will ever forget it (that’s the power of experiences).  The results were magical -- in Luca’s words, “thanks dad, that was awesome!”  This is one event we will do every year (and will recruit many others to join us including my wife, Luisa, and daughter, Hunter -- adventurers in their own right).

Here are select pics (both of the run -- and of the subsequent end-of-run EDM after-party, which was a great experience in and of itself!).

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