Senin, 14 Januari 2013

Entrepreneurs -- A Day In the Life. My Life.

Entrepreneurs never sleep.  Always thinking.  Always doing.

I am guilty on all counts.

Here's my typical day, which I don't believe is atypical for an entrepreneur in the digital media/tech world (or in any world, for that matter).  I write it as an illustration of what I believe is necessary to "make it happen" both professionally and personally -- and, that is, total commitment and passion.

-- up between 4-5 AM (sometimes even earlier) ... don't ask
-- write my blogs (this one, Sorenson Media's, guest posts), review the blogs and news of others, and catch up on all emails until 5:45 AM
-- at the gym right when it opens at 6 AM
-- work out from 6-7 AM (it's a commitment I made to myself long ago to stay disciplined and fit)
-- come home, have breakfast with the kids until 7:45-8 AM
-- in the office between 8-8:30 AM
-- in the office working all day (when not traveling), usually eating lunch at my desk
-- leave the office between 4:30-5:30 PM to get home to have dinner every night with the family (it's a commitment I made to myself long ago, following in the footsteps of my father, also an entrepreneur)
-- work anywhere between 1-2.5 hours nightly and finish all emails for the day
-- put my kids to bed, joke around with them, make sure they feel loved and have smiles on their faces when they go to bed (most of the time I succeed)
-- watch Jon Stewart with my wife, laugh hysterically, asleep by 11 PM
-- dream big, wake up (frequently too early) with ideas I jump up to pursue

Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.

You will note that this means roughly 10-12 hours of professionally-focused activities on average each day (and certainly there are more hours on weekends, like this post that I am writing now).  But, I really don't consider it to be "work" -- I consider it to be creative.  That's why I call it "professionally focused activities."  And, I feel fortunate to have a career that empowers me to do it this way -- my way.

It's the way I'm made ....

(For another "take" on the level of commitment necessary to succeed as an entrepreneur, read this article from Inc. Magazine.) (to be clear, I don't consider myself to be "remarkably successful", so don't hold that article's title against me; but, I do consider myself to be remarkably fortunate ....).

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