Senin, 21 Januari 2013

My TechCrunch & HuffPo Guest Posts -- Curated

Obviously, I like to write.  I have written 1,171 posts for this blog, to be precise.  

I also like to write for TechCrunch, The Huffington Post and others.  Just yesterday, TechCrunch pushed live my latest guest post -- "Instagram for Video -- Music, Meaning and Moments Succeed Where Others Fail." Check it out -- I identify specific companies that I believe have an opportunity to make it big.

This was a companion piece to my earlier TechCrunch piece from a few months back titled "Instagram for Video -- Massive Opportunity, Yes!  Done Right, No!"

A few months before that, TechCrunch posted my piece titled "Online Video vs. Music -- Different Game, Same Rules".

And, before that, TechCrunch posted my guest post titled "Apple Schooled Music Execs Then, Here Are the Lessons Online Video Should Learn Now".

Separately, a few months back, The Huffington Post featured my guest post titled "Indie Filmmakers and The Digital Dilemma." 

Check them out -- and, if you read anything you like, spread the word!  And, thanks for reading.  Let me know what you think.

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