Jumat, 04 Januari 2013

Shutterfly Acquiring ThisLife? No Surprise To Me

TechCrunch and others are reporting that our long-time partner, leading digital memory site Shutterfly, is in the process of acquiring slick photo start-up ThisLife, a service I blogged about extensively a few weeks back.  The rumored price tag is $25 million.

If these reports are true, then forgive me as I pat myself on the back for not being surprised at all about this result.  Why?

Because, as I previously wrote -- in fact this was the last line of that earlier blog -- "perhaps ThisLife's founders are betting that sufficient market traction will make the already-established online photo services of the world stand up and take notice -- and ultimately acquire them."

Well that, in fact, apparently is happening now with Shutterfly (a company that would be the most obvious choice right now from my perspective).  Why? Because ThisLife is the perfect complement to Shutterfly's existing industry-leading service (of which I have been a customer for over 10 years now -- and over 33,000 pics later).  How do I know that number?  Because ThisLife absorbed all of those images from my Shutterfly account when I first signed up for the service.  The two services already were effectively joined at the hip ...

(NOTE -- my company, Sorenson Media, is the full end-to-end video service provider for Shutterfly -- a company I respect deeply both as a partner, and as a long-time customer).

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