Minggu, 27 Juli 2014

Disney Accelerator - A Day In The Life As a Mentor

Last Tuesday, I spent my first day as a Mentor at the new Disney Accelerator, powered by Techstars.  My fellow Mentors and I spent 5 hours on-site getting to know all 11 companies in this inaugural class via a whirlwind round of individual meetings -- “speed-dating” style.  It is an impressive, and surprisingly diverse/eclectic, group of companies and entrepreneurs -- all of whom share the key ingredient of passion (the video above is powered by Japan-based Zombie app creator Tyffon, whose app has been downloaded a whopping 25 million times!).  Some companies have raised $0 to date, whereas one company is now in its Series E raise and generates tens of millions of dollars in revenues.  And, it is truly a badge of honor to be here, as only a tiny fraction of applicant companies made the cut.

Disney has given these entrepreneurs a great home in which to create the next great company (including a “who’s who” of Disney characters who share the space with them).  The Accelerator features a central airy and bright (natural light) open area is where the companies work side-by-side.

In a somewhat surprising homage to a simpler time, individual company progress and updates are flagged by old-world “post its” (the picture to the right) rather than by digital markers.  3M would be proud (and should be a sponsor).

The “break” room features standard Silicon Valley-inspired entrepreneurial faire -- foosball table, ping-pong table, and unlimited coffee and snacks.  I saw no keg -- this is Disney after all.  All of it, of course, is branded with Disney properties.

Back to Tyffon and the Zombies above (25 million of which are roaming around the globe).  Zombies sell.  “Walking Dead” and others should, er, eat that up. Imagine the engagement and sponsorship opportunities and dollars there.  The technology -- and the opportunities enabled by it -- are compelling.

And, that is just one story here at the Disney Accelerator.

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