Rabu, 16 Juli 2014

See You at the Siemer Summit Later Today & Tomorrow

Back from my Costa Rican family vacation -- which was epic, with rappelling down waterfall cliffs, whitewater rafting, zip-lining through the rain forest, snorkeling, hanging bridges, horseback riding -- you get the point.  Was time to get dirty.  Mission accomplished.  More on that later -- including the way these adventures were transformed and forever captured in the ONLY way to go -- with a GoPro.

So, back in the saddle -- kicking off my return with my company, Manatt Digital Media’s, biggest sponsored event of the year -- the annual Siemer Summit, a digital media and technology conference at Shutters Hotel in the heart of Silicon Beach -- i.e., Santa Monica, California.  Will be a great and high-profile event, featuring both captains of the digital media and tech industries, as well as some of the most impressive entrepreneurs and venture-backed companies that fuel the innovation we see all around us.

Tomorrow, at noon, I will moderate a panel focused on multi-platform digital media creation and distribution.  My panel will feature an A-list of players who cover different segments of the overall digital media eco-system, including Jessica Schell (EVP, New Media & Digital Entertainment for Universal Pictures); Albert Cheng (EVP & Chief Product Officer, Digital Media for the Disney/ABC Television Group); Allen DeBevoise (Chairman & Co-Founder of leading MCN Machinima, as well as active angel investor); Dennis Goh (Director, International Digital Media Operations for leading Asian-focused communications group SingTel); and Andrew Wallenstein (Editor-in-Chief, Digital, of leading media and entertainment-focused publication Variety magazine and Variety.com).  Should be a good one -- and I will keep it lively.

See many of you there.

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