Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Music Festivals -- Is There An App for That?

I like music festivals.  I attend them.  A lot.  (And am still incredulous that there won't be a second SS Coachella this year ... but that's another story ...).

Each weekend seems to bring yet another music festival of some kind (many of which are compelling).  But, I (and we) learn them mostly by happenstance.  There seems to be no central "home" or repository for festivals.  No one "go to" place to learn about them, to plan, to purchase, and to connect with others who plan to do the same (a community of festival go-ers, if you will).

Seems like a golden opportunity for someone.

There absolutely SHOULD be an app for that.

The festival business is one significantly glaring and growing bright spot in the beleaguered business of music.

(If you know about the definitive music festival-focused app or website, let us all know by posting it here as a comment.)

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