Sabtu, 31 Agustus 2013

My TechCrunch, Huffington Post, Wired, Venturebeat Guest Posts -- Curated for Your Holiday Weekend Reading Pleasure

In the past several months, I have stepped up my writing of guest articles for industry-leading pubs such as TechCrunch, The Huffington Post, Wired and Venturebeat -- all of which, of course, have a digital media angle.  Many of them, however, touch upon other themes near and dear to me -- including the "magic" that comes from media integration of online (virtual) and offline (physical) experiences (and the magic of live experiences in general), the continuing march (and promise) of premium video and 24/7 "anytime anywhere" distribution, social impact and the new "Share Economy," and my overall continued focus on great young entrepreneurial companies leading the charge in terms of digital media innovation.  I "re-print" them here because I believe they continue to be timely and instructive.  Here they are -- which are in addition to my own near 1300 posts I have written on this (my own) blog:  

Check them out -- and, if you read anything you like, spread the word!  And, thanks for reading.  Let me know what you think.

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