Senin, 12 Agustus 2013

Smart Is Sexy

Elon Musk.  PayPal.  Space X.  Tesla.  And now Hyperloop.  Is there anyone smarter and more visionary at this point in time?  I LOVE that bravado (so much so, that I bought his car)!

Who else?

Let me think ... Ashton Kutcher?

Never in a million years would I have thought there was any real substance there, but now I do.  And, I love how and where he did it.  Kutcher yesterday channeled his inner Steve Jobs with a "Do you know what is Sexy?" bit that served up the following amazing punchline -- "Smart is Sexy!"

And so it is -- as is what followed -- that being thoughtful is sexy -- that being generous is sexy.  It is such a beautiful simple message for our kids who most frequently are bombarded with messages of shallowness and cynicism.  Kutcher served it up at Nickelodeon's Teen Choice Awards -- and I loved every minute of it.

I urge you to watch this video ... with your kids ... and let's all spread this gospel (and squelch the voices of ugliness from the likes of Abercrombie & Fitch's CEO ...)

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