Rabu, 05 September 2012

50%+ NFL Teams Now "Squeeze" Their Video -- "Are You Ready for Some Sorenson?"

"Are you ready for some Football?"  I certainly am (am in three different football pools, including one with my compatriots at Sorenson Media).  And, apparently the NFL is ready -- and increasingly using -- Sorenson Media products to meet their increasingly strategic online video needs.

As the NFL officially kicks off its 2012 season later today, it's a good time to announce that over 50% of NFL teams now depend upon Sorenson Media products for delivering optimized high quality online video.  Here is the link to the official announcement that just broke this morning.

As one example, the Carolina Panthers' Mike Craft, senior producer of broadcasting and media content, underscores that online video is now taking "primary importance in our operations."  In his words, "it is crucial that we produce and deliver the very best video for our fans who access the site from everywhere in the world."

Craft goes on to say:

"After trying a number of other encoding and compression tools in the market, it became clear to us that [Sorenson] Squeeze is the only software that makes our online content look as good as broadcast footage ... I also love the flexibility and ease of the interface with Squeeze."

Thanks Mike -- that's our goal of course with our products -- highest quality, most utility, ease of use!

And, for any doubters about the increasing importance of delivering highest quality video, look no further than global telecommunications giant Ericsson's new report titled "TV and Video" -- which underscores the Carolina Panthers' focus on the critical nature of delivering quality video.  One of the key conclusions of Ericsson's new August 2012 study is that the importance of HD quality video "is growing and there is a high willingness among consumers to pay for such services."

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