Kamis, 06 September 2012

High Quality Video Matters MORE & More, Not Less, Concludes Ericsson

Sometimes I am challenged whether, after a certain point, incremental enhancements in video quality really "matter."  I have always said "absolutely."  I have always seen that in the real-world, experienced it myself as a consumer.

If there are any nay-sayers out there, let's put that question to bed with real-world data that supports my conclusions.  Case in point -- global communications giant Ericsson -- which sees 40% of the world's mobile traffic utilizing its networks that service 2.5 billion subscribers.  Ericsson just released a major report titled "TV and Video -- An Analysis of Evolving Consumer Habits" -- which concludes that HD video quality for online video is "growing" in importance, "and there is a high willingness among consumers to pay for such [HD online video] services."

At the heart and soul of quality, of course, is the encoding/transcoding process.  That is the foundational element of online video.  And, that's where we sit here at Sorenson Media, holding the coveted Readers' Choice title of "Best Online Video Technology Company" by Streaming Media (as well as "Best Encoding Software" ... and others).

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