Minggu, 23 September 2012

My Vikes Shock the 49ers -- "That's Why They Play the Game"

This is a weekend post, so indulge me if I go a bit "personal" on this one.  There is no digital media update here -- just a great slice of life .... 

I returned to my roots this weekend -- back to the land of 10,000 lakes -- back to Minneapolis.  Family, friends (a high school reunion of sorts) and, yes, football.  Classic football at perhaps the least classic NFL stadium -- the Metrodome.  I hadn't been in the Dome for a decade, but it was well worth the wait, as my Vikes clashed with the self-proclaimed "best team in football" -- the S.F. 49ers.  There was most definitely something in the air today as two of my life-long friends -- Chad Hummel, left and Steve Wennblom, right -- and I  strolled down the pre-game "Purple Path" and into the Dome.  We knew the odds -- but we also felt some strange electricity with this purple team that had absolutely none last year.  And, ultimately, we saw a come-uppance engineered by Vikes QB, as Christian Ponder and the purple pounded, pummeled and prevailed 24-13 despite the best efforts of the replacement refs to replace that score.  Classic weekend ....

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