Selasa, 18 September 2012

"Blue States" Watch More Online Video -- But Who Wins?

Our compatriots at online video platform company Ooyala just recently published their "Q2 2012 Global Video Index" -- and one of the more interesting nuggets from this analysis during this election season is that "Blue State" viewers watch significantly more video online than so-called "Red Staters."  26% more online video, to be exact.

No deep analysis was given -- but, certainly 'tis intriguing.  Not sure whether that fact gives either candidate any advantage.  But, it certainly has us talking about it ... and about the overall study ... and about the overall author of that study.  And, ultimately, that is the point, right?

THAT is astute marketing, my friends.  Take your strength -- analytics -- and wrap them up in a news story with a timely "sexy" focus (the Presidential election) and get that story reported widely (including in this blog) with full attribution.

They shoot.  They score.

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