Sabtu, 08 September 2012

My Latest TechCrunch Guest Post -- "Instagram for Video -- Massive Opportunity, Yes! Done Right, No! Here's How ..."

My latest guest post in TechCrunch was just posted a few hours back -- the topic this time, the "Instagram for Video" market opportunity, which I believe to be massive (but which I also believe is not yet achieved from a customer experience perspective).  Here it is.  In it, I lay out the 6 ingredients needed to maximize this "Instagram for Video" opportunity from a customer experience perspective -- who stands to benefit the most from this massive opportunity -- and who the contenders are today.

As I point out, Sorenson Media already has a "Store & Share" (i.e., Instagram for Video-like service), a flavor of which is used by our partner, Shutterfly (the largest online memory sharing site in the U.S.).  We offer the full-back end for this Shutterfly video service.  And, I firmly believe that mobile and consumer electronics companies potentially have the most to gain by offering an optimized "Instagram for Video" service (for the reasons stated in my guest post).

Enjoy -- and feel free to send me your feedback.

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