Kamis, 27 September 2012

Apple Buying DISH Networks? Perhaps Not So Radical After All ...

I have ruminated literally for years now about Apple's inevitable all-in-one flat-screen TV ("iTV") -- and recently ruminated about the critical road-block, which is critical TV programming (including live TV, such as ESPN).  One solution I proposed to Apple -- use your cash hoard to acquire satellite operator DISH Networks (click here to read my full analysis and rationale on that somewhat radical idea, which perhaps is not that radical at all, since Apple has few real alternatives to solve this fundamental content issue).

Well, this not-so-radical DISH Networks idea perhaps just got a bit more interesting to Apple.  DISH just announced that, starting next Monday, it will now offer a nationwide broadband service under the name "dishNET."  Although certainly not nearly as fast as fiber, it ain't bad (5-10 megabits per second -- which is a helluva lot better than the paltry 1-3 megabits per second I get here in Rancho Santa Fe, California via my only alternative, AT&T DSL).  Compelling broadband, of course, would be a critical component of any kind of full-service Apple iTV offering to provide compelling TV programming and a compelling user experience.

This is pure speculation, mind you.  But, make no mistake, Apple's iTV is the behemoth's next frontier. Where else could Apple go to satisfy its (and its shareholders) voracious appetite?

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